Landfill Links 2
Rare Book Library @ Historic Mapworks
This collection of Rare Books is largely a collection of old atlases - but that's not an exact description. Some "atlases" have far more to do with cosmology and science than simple cartography. The woodcuts in some of them are just awesome, the old maps are fun to look at. For a history geek/nerd like me this is manna from heaven. Every time I open up a book there, my jaw goes slack and I am amazed yet again. Unless you are able to read Latin, German or other European languages (or their Medieval ancestors), the text will not generally be useful, but the pictures most certainly will.
Local History Resources
various resources covering the history of Rochester and western New York
Rochester Images
historic and contemporary photographs, maps, postcards and other memorabilia from Rochester and Monroe County (highly recommended!)
Digitized Collections of the Monroe County Library System
historic books, newspapers and magazines of local interest that can be viewed online or downloaded and printed - lots and lots of stuff here
Library of Congress' National Jukebox
Lots and Lots of Public Domain recordings. Library of Congress means that you don't have to worry about copyright (those of you who worry about such things).
The King Center Archive
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center's searchable archives. The page you will click to with the link has the search boxes, but it also has a wide variety of different documents you can click on. It's a really interesting set up. If you're not careful, you can end up spending a lot of time just clicking and reading. Fascinating stuff.
Black Panther Newspaper Archive
All kinds of Black Panther "Stuff," including PDFs of "The Black Panther" newspaper. Worth a look or three.
The Crisis (the Early Years)
Every page of every issue of the NAACP magazine from 1910-1923, as well as access to some recent stuff, and other resources.
Detroit Revolutionary Movements Collection
From the Walter P. Reuther Library at Wayne State University
Papers of Abraham Lincoln
This project is scanning and posting as many of Abraham Lincoln's papers and stuff as they can. The goal is to do all of them. The search function can return some funny results (when I searched for Mary Todd Lincoln all I got were documents by the website authors themselves talking about their project). Simply browsing through the available documents is kind of like wandering through the King Archives available docs, but with more handwriting and less (much much much less) typing.
The American West: Virtual Library
Only one of a whole bunch of pages of The World Wide Web Virtual Library
The WWW Virtual Library
is a huge collection wherein "Each index should contain an unbiased and relatively comprehensive guide to the most valuable sources in their historical field. The site should aim to be one of the best resources in its area."
Pearl Harbor History Associates
Includes numerous resources dealing with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, including records from the hearings, there are also a substantial number of links to other WWII resources. While there are a significant number of sources dealing with a large number of WWII topics; there is a mild focus on naval subjects.
American Life Histories
Manuscripts form the Federal Writers' Project
All 2900+ manuscripts of WPA-FWP oral histories from this New Deal project. Organized by state and searchable by keywords.
Photographs from the Chicago Daily News
Over 55,000 photos from between 1902-1933 taken by/for the Chicago Daily News, searchable by Subject or Name.
Women of Achievement and Herstory
One little corner of the larger LizLibrary website. This particular page is a calendar of sorts. Each month and its days are listed and clickable. For each date, there are events, quotes and more relating specifically to women's history and achievements.
The Liz Library
This is more of a collection of recent articles in newsletters and other secondary sources. Those portions of the Library are most useful in am APUSH or HIS 100/200 level class. However, if you do some poking around, there are some interesting things, like the collection of women's recruiting posters in the Military History section, and the pro-con suffrage postcards in Exhibit Hall. The "Library" page itself has a few primary sources. Well worth a look for a solid women's history unit, but you will need some time to navigate to find what you want/need.
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