Friday, December 11, 2015

As If There Weren't Enough... Presidential Campaign Commercials!

Large collection of presidential campaign commercials from I Like Ike in 1952, to the present (or at least as close as they're going to get): The Living Room Candidate

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Menus... Lots of Restaurant Menus

I've been listening to the History Chicks podcast (two women talking about women in history) along with a couple/few others (History of Rome, Egyptian History, History of English and the Heavy Metal Historian).
Anyway, in the course of talking about The Mrs. Astor, they mentioned a site from the New York Public Library where copies of thousands of menus from restaurants throughout history are posted.
So, I bring you What's on the Menu?

More will continue to come in as I find out about them...