.Slave advertisements are ridiculously common, but indentured servant ads seem to be a bit more difficult to find. Here's 2 I've used.
The Slave Trade by George Morland
Painted on the basis of a poem based on a tale by a slave trader. The poem below is by William Collins.
Two British captains with their barges came,
And quickly made a purchase of the young;
But one was struck with Ulkna, void of shame,
And tore her from the husband where she clung.
Her faithful Chief, tho' stern in rugged war,
Seeing his Ulkna by a White caress'd,
To part with her, "and little son Tengarr!"
His gentler feeling could not be supprest.
Th'indignant tear steals down his ebon cheek,
His gestures speak an agitated soul!
In vain his streaming eyes for mercy seek,
From hearts long harden'd in this barter foul.
With hands uplifted, he with sighs besought
The wretch that held a bludgeon o'er his head,
And those who dragg'd him, would have pity taught
By his dumb signs, to strike him instant dead.
While his dear Ulkna's sad entreating mein,
Did but increase the brute's unchaste desire;
He vaunting bears her off, her sobs are vain,
They part the man and wife whom all admire.
Quite illustrative, though simple, cartoon demonstrating the attitude of the KKK towards northern carpetbaggers.
Better than trying to describe the problem with words alone.
I love this cartoon. It may not be rare, but it does a great job of illustrating the issue of nativism, and the inherent hypocrisy of it.
How better to illustrate assimilation? It also shows a reason for the nativist fears - anarchists!
Amazing photo showing what life in the Big City, at the turn of the century really was like. It also does a pretty good job of showing why we can't get rid of cars just yet. Some pollutants are better than others.
I was gathering pictures for a Women in WWII lesson, and found this beauty. African-American Women Military Mechanics! Awesome!
Pro-Union cartoon. As a union employee, I support this. I know firsthand the benefits of being unionized, and totally get why people don't like unions... they're jealous because they aren't.
This picture, at full-size, has a TON of symbolism.